In this case, we will give you the opportunity to fill out a declaration of private use (in accordance with 3.9 in the End-User License Agreement)📌Note: Please try to be specific in your request so we can comprehend your usage pattern. Our specialist team investigates every case and will unblock your device (TeamViewer ID) if it has been limited by mistake.Fill out this form to request the unblocking of your TeamViewer ID: placing your request, there are two possible outcomes:We will reset your TeamViewer ID if private usage is confirmedWe won’t reset your TeamViewer ID if commercial usage is still suspected.
#Commercial use detected teamviewer free#
How do I get back to free use?We are aware of the confusion of our users who believe they do not use TeamViewer commercially. You may submit up to 10 IDs per form.▹Does uninstalling TeamViewer remove the commercial suspicion?No. The suspicion can only be removed from your TeamViewer ID after requesting the reset and getting a positive reply from our specialist team via this page: ▹I don’t believe I am using TeamViewer commercially. TeamViewer Accounts are never involved in this process.💡Hint: Please make sure to submit every ID you are connecting to and from. In order to resolve this, please submit any affected IDs on a reset form.We are already working on improving the clarification of such errors to alleviate any confusion that may arise.▹Is my TeamViewer Account getting flagged as commercial?No - TeamViewer suspects or detects commercial use only for TeamViewer IDs. Is this a bug?No - This alert also pertains to suspected commercial use as well. ▹I keep getting a "connection timeout" error.

The free version of TeamViewer is for people who are using it to help family and friends: we do not want this user group to pay for the usage of TeamViewer.However, some users are using the free version commercially.Read this article to learn more about how exactly personal usage is defined and why you have to buy a license when using TeamViewer commercially. The personal use of TeamViewer is free.Asking people who are using TeamViewer commercially to buy a license is part of our commitment to this idea: this way, we can maintain a free version that is up-to-date and offers a wide range of features.▹Is TeamViewer trying to force free users into paying for the usage of TeamViewer?No. This might include connecting to a work computer to quickly check an email or file, for example. Providing a free version for personal use is part of our vision: we believe that help should not just be a privilege for those who pay.Requiring commercial users to purchase a license is also part of our effort to maintain the free version.Frequently asked questions (FAQ)We would like to use this article to give you some answers to some of the questions which were asked in the community:▹Is TeamViewer canceling the free usage of its software?No.

Some free users have been asked to purchase a TeamViewer license because their usage pattern suggested that they were using TeamViewer in a commercial environment and/or for commercial purposes. GeneralThis article applies to TeamViewer users without a license who have been suspected or detected for commercial use or got a connection timeout.We want to address the feedback about users being suspected or detected for commercial use.Link to request the resetTL DR ⚠Commercial use suspected - TeamViewer Support